Farumir's avatar
...Why do I sense a betrayal cliche here? The lionines promising peace in exchange for the king's murderer's head? :iconnotsureifplz:
HunterBeingHunted's avatar
Now that would be understandable from leonines, but for a Caligo to agree to that after Blue has helped him.. that would be a real dick move!..ofc ending war is more important than one person :noes:
...lets hope it's not that! :D
Farumir's avatar
If Caligo was willing to sacrifice a lot of warriors and cubs' warrior parents to attack Rex then it wouldn't surprise me if he made another costly sacrifice. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for peace...

But it's your story and I can't read minds. X3
HunterBeingHunted's avatar
I guess that's true, even thoygh he was not exactly happy about the cost of the battle! 

You shall see! :P