Comment on Zulu Vampire by Snook-8

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KarakNornClansman's avatar
Original, and deadly looking to boot! Great artwork. Looks every bit the lethal killer.

Please pardon me asking, but would you by any chance be interested in allowing the Ninth Age (T9A, non-profit volunteer-driven spiritual successor of Warhammer Fantasy, with an even more historically based fantasy setting) to make use of this artwork of yours? Due credit and linking back to Deviantart pages always given, of course, and all art donations are on the artists' terms, for as long as the artists' themselves give permission.

I'm asking, because T9A have a project cooking based around Vôdun Vampires:…

Just wondering, since your depiction is so fine.

In any case, great artwork! Have a nice day. :)
Snook-8's avatar
Hello and sorry for the late reply!

First of all thank you for all your compliments, I'm glad you like this artwork.

Secondly, as long as what you are stating is true,  I'm absolutely fine with it. I really love Warhammer Fantasy and I support any fan project related to it. Having said that, you can freely use any other artwork of mine that might suit a description from your lores, just reminding that the same non-profitable terms and proper crediting should apply on those cases too. 

I just read the Vôdun vampires and they seem great, the artwork is indeed fitting!

That's all I guess, you're welcome and have a nice day likewise~
Keep up the great lorebuilding! :D
KarakNornClansman's avatar
Heya! No worries, we should never be in a hurry. I'm late in replying as well, stuffed with Christmas food to bursting!

Yep, it's true for sure! 300+ volunteers working in their spare time in what amounts basically to a shadow Games Workshop without money involved. The non-profit part is a fundamental pillar of the project (not least for legal safety, and so much donated work and art would crumble under T9A's feet if they went commercial), and we're always careful with due crediting.

Thank you kindly! That is very helpful!

I've taken a careful look through your gallery, avoiding commissions (and cropping some interesting images to avoid plastic tape on the edges - just in case this would still be of interest), and gosh, it's a horror tour de force! Exquisite stuff, and truly nightmare-inducing if I was easily scared by images alone. I'll just have to remember not sharing it with people easily scared from their wits. I once wrote this little story (… ), and some Lizardman collector later told me he had been ridden by nightmares for several nights after reading it. I've no idea how he would react to your deep and magnificiently disturbing gory artwork. :D

Many of the images I've picked out in this initial proposal may not be immediately applicable to existing features in the Ninth Age setting, but I'm sure you know well how art informs background lore, so I decided to ask for more than I would otherwise have done, so that T9A volunteer setting designers might have some truly dark and even freakish (in a good sense!) art to be inspired by, and later on use, should you be interested in letting us use some or all of them.

So, while the Zulu Vampire is the hottest stuff from a T9A perspective, I've picked out 18 different artworks of yours as an initial proposal. Would you be interested in allowing T9A to use some of them under the said terms (no-profit, due credit always given, and me linking back to the individual artwork pieces of yours on Deviantart)?…

Or perhaps it is too much?

In any case, have a great holiday, keep up the splendid artworks of yours! Stunning gallery, and most memorable. :)
Snook-8's avatar
Good to know. Same case here, Christmas days are keepig me busy in the nicest way possible.

And yeah it is true, many pieces of my gallery especially older ones aren't suitable for the faint-hearted, which it's a double edged fact for obvious reasons. Your proposal options are good to go, you have my permission for sure.

I also thank you for sharing your story, I needed a good read for my holidays.

All in all I'm glad to be of help. As I previously said, I love the lore and what you guys are doing is humble and amazing, I know fellow players and lore lovers who will probably be interested in this thus I will make sure to spread your work among the community. 

Thank you once again and I wish you Merry Christmas! And a happy new year (in a few days) Cheers~
Snook-8's avatar
You're welcome.

Good fitting titles and tags. Nicely done! 

And thanks once again for sharing more stories. The Chaos Dwarf one was top notch, I really enjoy small creepy stories, especially clever ones, and that was one of those. :thumbsup: I will make sure to check for more for when I run out of my current reading material.

Happy new year and cya around :wave: