MasamunesSong's avatar
Oh... wow! So happy! I get really excited to think that I brought someone some happiness. Inspiration is wonderful! I hope you had lots of story/picture ideas! :hug:
Schreibertooth's avatar
I did^^ and still do, thank you!!! :glomp:
MasamunesSong's avatar
Joy! Hope ya do something with them, too! (Vinny and Sephy are luff.)
Schreibertooth's avatar
actually it was something to do with Seph and Cid. Wierd I, so am I. *huggles them*
MasamunesSong's avatar
Cid/Sephy, huh?

Um. Ok. More power to ya!

:shrug: Hey, I like Aeriseph, and CloudxLucrecia, so you won't hear any grousing about weird pairings from me!
Schreibertooth's avatar
XD thank you. I've had some people make some really rude comments to me about it. :(