TheWeirdSerb's avatar
That would make sense if Arminius' map is what actually happened. Insulting a country over an Alternate history is a bit silly if you ask me.
RJDETONADOR97's avatar
Why not? Serbia started WW1 and didn't got punished, the German empire and the Austria-Hungary got destroyed, Russia had to pass over a revolution which couldn't start if WW1 didn't happen, the great Wilhelm has been taken down from the throne, and I can't judge Serbia for that? Serbia deserves to be punished for all this.

Atleast the only good side, is that Ottoman empire got affected and later fragmented, that heathen empire had to pay not only for being heathen, but for killing a lot of Armenians.
TheWeirdSerb's avatar
If you think Serbia is the reason World War One started, you ave a very one-sided view of history. The actions of Serbs that might or might have not had connections with the Serbian government is what began World War One, but the war was going to happen anyway, while it might have started elsewhere. It was a conflict between colonial powers, newly formed powers without colonies, and old empires crumbling under their weight. For example, Britain was planning to take over German East Africa anyway so they could build a railway from Cape Town to Cairo. 

Anyways, I have no particular stance on the matter, or who's right or wrong, I just thought your comment was kind of stupid. It seems odd to me that a person that obviously knows a lot about Germany and might be German himself thinks that a "deserved punishment" mentality is good, since that is what lead to World War Two, which I think we can both agree was a much worse comment.