MoD455's avatar
Yep. I feel like smite and league are bothe kinda shying away from this concept of imobile hyper carry lately. Think they feel more mobility less power is less likely to be called out for being OP. Like when a character needs to have that insane power to be relavant then people especially in low elo that dont know how to target key priority targets will always complain that their dmg is too high. Because in low elo these God/champions dont work as intended. Instead of being high risk vs high reward they tend to simply be high reward. You dont get focused at all and if you just think a little about where you possition you are a pun intended.
Arvata's avatar
What you're saying makes sense yes XD Sounds like it anyways. And yes good pun.
MoD455's avatar
Ah , I see you are a man of culture as well