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TheMichaelMacRae's avatar
The gist of it is that this girl with no arms who has taken to thinking of herself as a pox upon herself and all those around her ventured on a quest deep into the mountains to appeal to the gods to take the place of her sibling who is to be sacrificed to them in her stead because she is not worthy. They choose not to kill/eat(?) her in recognition of the great feat that was her journey and they will not grant her request because they don't care/revel in her misery. Later the multi headed god, the wisest, in secret reveals to her that they are all old and miserable, they have created the world and everything in it and there is nothing left for them to do. They were meant to be replaced eons ago to be let into the afterlife but for some reason the cycle was broken and they were left on earth. Over time they have become fixated monsters that long for death but they cannot kill themselves. The multi headed god employs her to complete some difficult tasks in order to gain the ability to kill them all and at that point she will have the power to do as she pleases.

At least that's the first draft off the top of my head, I'm still thinking about it, how to make it more interesting etc