SirFailsalot91's avatar
I hope he returns in the anime at some point - I agree that having him at a detective agency would be perfect with his quirk. ^^

Huggles for the buggle~ |3
Hmm... I actually don't have any real flaws to my fan character for the series - maybe being squeamish around bugs, even though he loves plants, so he'd be a little awkward around Aka. XD
Insomniiyac's avatar
Same. I heard the mangaka said that he'd have a bigger role later on in the story, so I'm deffo waiting it out. :la:

YISSS!! Though you probs should develop some real flaws so they can be well-rounded. :nod:
Aww, that's adorbs. Aka might be a bit hurt, but it'd be cool if they manage to develop a friendship. :giggle:
SirFailsalot91's avatar
Noice, should be great then. =D

He's pretty much a pacifist, so he'll avoid violence or hurting people unless absolutely necessary - that would put him in some trouble with especially-violent villains who can't be talked to, (or guys like Bakugo who will just beat people up :XD:) so he's the "I'm a lover, not a fighter" kind of guy. ^^
[BnHA] Part-Time Worker, Part-Time Hero by OneWingedDaemon
It's not that he'd be terrified of her, it's mostly just the wiggly kind give of bugs that him shivers, like caterpillars and worms. ^^;
Hey, if he can get along with the likes of Mina, (since they'd be at the same agency during their internship time) I'm sure he and Ako will be fine, too... eventually. |3
Insomniiyac's avatar
Ohhhhh he's prettt interesting! (I love the incorporation of the waterdrop in his hair). Aka's nearly scared many people, but she's a gentle buggy. ^w^ Hopefully he'd warm up to her.

Oh yes! This is awesome, especially since Mina is Aka's best friend, so they're bound to meet eventually lol. 
SirFailsalot91's avatar
Heheh, thank you~ ^^;

Like I said, the "I'm a lover, not a fighter" type - he won't freak out as he's a bit of a softy and I'm sure a part of him wants to be friends, but he just needs a little time... if she likes flowers, though, then he may warm up quicker (while talking her ear off about them. :XD:)

I'm more than certain they could be buddies soon enough, and they'd have Alien Queen Pinky around to get 'em hanging out together more often, too. <3