montycrusto's avatar
yes, I can see bits of writing, and a sort of whirlpool, but if there's other imagery in the background, I can't see it.. but I sense there is something else there.  I love pictures with secrets!
LilyUnsub's avatar

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if you like hidden secrets. This is the only one that I also have a photo of before I filled in the void. But you can still see what is written though I believe. This one is very much a deep open wound that I keep picking at when its almost healed.
montycrusto's avatar
I can see there's writing there, but I'm a long way from being able to decipher any of it.  I like the concept, though, of writing, and then obscuring... there's a psychological/ritualistic flavour to that; it adds another layer of meaning and - quite literally - sub-text.. :omg:
LilyUnsub's avatar
precisely :D sub-text, speaking to the sub-conscious. If you know yourself completely, it removes the subconscious, leaving only consciousness ;)