Comment on Tanabi by hmm-yes-art

XxMeganLionessxX's avatar
Your art is just absolutely amazing your style is just flawless ^^
hmm-yes-art's avatar
That is so sweet! Thank you soso much!!Hug 
XxMeganLionessxX's avatar
You are so so welcome hun! Imtruly happy you replied to my comment really made my day I’m a huge fan of you and your art work I can’t wait to see more ^^
hmm-yes-art's avatar
Of course! I always reply to comments. Never go without replying ^^

Thank you so so much!! That means the world to meHug 
XxMeganLionessxX's avatar
No problem hun,it means the world getting to speak with you ^^
XxMeganLionessxX's avatar
If you have any tips on how I could better my lion art I’d really appreciate it ^^
hmm-yes-art's avatar
To be honest I have improved since I posted this, and looking back on it then I know some things I should have done differently. For starters, really understanding the anatomy of the animal is crucial to drawing it. You will definitely have lots of trouble drawing it if you don't know how it moves or is supposed to look. Thank you so much for asking me by the way, it is very very flattering!!
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