Flesh---Canvas's avatar
wtf are the big movign objects
Flesh---Canvas's avatar
we paid a lot of money for those stupid costumes
the hats were like $10 each
Gameaddict1234's avatar
I thought only the mad hatter hat a hat?
Flesh---Canvas's avatar
What no the leprechaun hat and the year 9 glittery hat and costumes
Gameaddict1234's avatar
ohh you mean like all the hats XD
Flesh---Canvas's avatar
jono need:
- hat material
- scarf material stuff
- like pants, we don't have your pants
- top [maybe]

jono have:
- jacket
- TOP BUT I THINK IT DOESN'T FIT LOOOL so maybe jono need top
- materialess hatt

grant need:
- top
- pants
- ears

grant have:
- arm bands
- neck thing

Lorelle need:
- ears
- tail
- jacket
- oh yeah grant need vest

Lorelle have:
- armbands
- wow thats it we're slack

caitlyn need:
- dress
- crown

caitlyn have:
- the top half of a dress

things we don't need to sew:
- grants top
- jonos top
- grants pants
- jonos pants
- like my leggings if i end up getting any
- jono scarf thing

things we need to sew
- grants ears
- lorelles ears
- lorelles tail
- grants vest
- lorelles jacket/vest
- caitlyns dress

Gameaddict1234's avatar