LuxNiveus's avatar
True. True. Some of them were creepy as hell. It has been so long since I last watched it. 
LogicalConclusions's avatar
I miss the old episodes, to me they were better then the new ones. The brain of Morbious was pretty freaky, and the Cybermen, it was strange how they were allergic to gold in the old series. I love the Daleks, they are my favorite doctor who enemy. What about you?
LuxNiveus's avatar
I don't have a favorite per say. All are as cool as they are creepy. BUT the brain would take the top spot because of "EWW" 
LogicalConclusions's avatar
Errrr true, too true. I had an irrational fear of brains at one stage. I think I still do,.. but yes, Ewwwww.