MentalCrash's avatar
heheh, yeah, thanks, someone had messaged me about it before, it's nice to see my drawings get to such places >3<
Rowdy-Rylie's avatar
LOL I bet.

I just figured it would be good to post a comment on the picture itself so that other people would find out and also see your response.

Then they too can also be like:Yay! Eddsworld 
MentalCrash's avatar
I'll link it in  the description then :>
Rowdy-Rylie's avatar
Awesome idea!

Also, since I'm here. Gotta shower you with praise since I love your stuff. Really cute pictures, fun, but also thought provoking at times. 

Yay, glad I got to say that. Keep up the beautiful work MC. Clap 
MentalCrash's avatar
dawww, thank you >///<
Rowdy-Rylie's avatar
You are most welcome. :>