Benjo17's avatar
"Im not cruel" - Benjo17
ScarcrowShitStomper's avatar
aH, brothEr... y0u trULy aRe a b00n to huMaNkinD. i aPPLaUd y0u.
i'Ve enJ0yed oUr LiTTLe diScuSSi0n. iT's bEEn a rEaL tReaT kn0winG y0u, but i'm aFraiD wE'LL have t0 BrinG thiS oNe t0 a CLosE, s0 n0t to TakE uP to0 muCh m0re r00m oN NitEanGEL's coMMenTs pAgE.
Benjo17's avatar
ToOtLeS, tRy NoT tO bE tO jUdGeMeNtAl AnD aSsUmE pEoPlEs StAtUs As A bOoN. yOu DoNt AcTuAlLy KnOw Me. Im FiNdInG iT hArD tO sEe YoU aS a ReSpEcTaBlE aRtIsT dUe To ThE fAcT tHaT yOu WriTe LiKe An AtTeNtIoN sEeKiNg 12Yr OlD cHiLd.

I applaud you too for having so much time to waste that you can fuck up your grammar and sit there and alternate your capital letters. its fucking pathetic and i hope you get caught on to by many other annoyed people or staff, cos ittl be absolutely hilarious seeing you get a warning for unneccesary behaviour leading to turning peoples pages into an eyesore.

Run along to mummy now lil girl, and get her to teach you how to type :giggle:
Sad-Jesusmoose's avatar
You're both idiots.
Sad-Jesusmoose's avatar
Mighty late reply there, eh? ;) Haha. Thanks.