SprenklePhotography's avatar
How do you get the lighter shades with maker?
drachenmagier's avatar
Light gray marker. :) I used four markers here: C6/C8 (the dark in the front), C4 (middle gray), C2 (background). That's the whole magic. :D
J-W-White's avatar
These are the answers I love seeing.  Specific tools, and process bits.  Some artist guard their process too much and its a real shame. They never realize that everyone's work is so unique that letting another artist barrow form your library doesn't lessen you... it in fact GROWS YOU as an artist!

Thank you for such an in depth answer. We're never truly in competition with each other.  Great artists share. 
drachenmagier's avatar
I was always a bit peeved off when artists seemed to think their materials are a big secret that has to stay a secret. It's not like a technique will be just copied when someone else knows what I used. Plus, I had to try out a lot of low quality and even shitty materials. Only fair to help others and get them to avoid the bad stuff. d: And I do hope for competition! Only competition makes me strive to be better after all. ^^