Wild-N-Waste's avatar
Well I guess Tomas Austruc posted something on his twitter that said "The boy knows something!" with a picture of Chat Noir looking at LB. so I'm going to assume he probably suspects her at least.
Moondarkspirit's avatar
Oh ok. Well who wouldn't? There is no other girl at his school with dark blue hair and pigtails and blue eyes! Like come on! I can understand kinda why Marinette can't tell possible because of the eyes but the episode of Mr. Pigeon should have been a dead giveaway 
Wild-N-Waste's avatar
Pigeon man calling his people (dancing) Emoticon #BestWorstVillainEver I love how gungho Mr. Pigeon is. He totally embraced his awkward Pigeon powers. You go man. Rock that Pigeon suit! 
Moondarkspirit's avatar
Yep he's expressing his inner birb! and isn't afraid to show it lol