Deviljackies's avatar
Oh ya! Have you watch the new episode of Steven Universe? :)
popiinky's avatar
Yeah! They were good, my favourite episodes from this bomb are Back to the kindergarten, I loved Peridot, and Kevin party
Deviljackies's avatar
Ya! Too bad....Lapis is leaving earth again.....:(
popiinky's avatar
yeah but I think is going to be good for her and Peri. Lapis has to understand that earth really is her home. She needs her own space and time to realize this, and that her friends need her too. Also I think is great for peri to have her own development, because she has been the emotional support of lapis, but she needs also her own time, and if she wants to fight for earth, that's going to give her a lot more confidence in herself. I don't like how people are hating lapis now, I mean, taking the whole barn was kinda pointless, but she also was feeling scared and betrayed, I like that she's such a complex character, she isn't bad, but she's not perfectly good either, her actions are a result of what she's been through.
Deviljackies's avatar
Agreed with you! Now..... we have wait for Rebecca Sugar to make new episodes :) hopefully we get to see more action and epic fusions! :D
Deviljackies's avatar
And for Lapis....... just a temporary good bye to earth . She will return to her friends I can tell it!!!!