Comment on Lightforged by Belvane

tzalik1's avatar
I'd say there's something to starting out a Lightforged as a blind zealot, and then opening their eyes so to speak through RP. Maybe not instantly, but doing so gradually could make for fun character development. Just an opinion though.

Thoughts aside, really nice work making the gold look textured.
Belvane's avatar
Thanks for the lovely compliment! What you present is great for storytelling, I agree; however, my experience with zealot characters left me thinking that while they're great for a one-off, if they're regulars in your group their character concept means everyone else needs to constantly compromise their own character's integrity. The thought is usually along the lines of 'oh, OOC feelings come before IC fun; my character would never tolerate being treated the way this zealot treats them, or not intervening when a zealot is being harsh on others, but I'll bend my character so the player can enjoy themselves'. They do it to be nice out of character, sometimes at the cost of their own enjoyment, and while it generates interest, in a group of non-zealots, and in the long run - and character developments like growing out of zealotry take time if done right, narrative-wise - I find it was simply impractical.