Comment on Asuna by Inspector97

FantasyRebirth96's avatar
Amazing job drawing Asuna^^ She's my favorite~ I uhh...I'm scared to ask if your a fan of the series...since you know I've ran into those who aren't XD 
Inspector97's avatar
I have watched some of's not as impressive as many have said. I find the plot too relaxed for the overall crisis facing the "players"
FantasyRebirth96's avatar
Yeah some people are pretty chill about the whole "if you die in the game you die for real" gimmick. I'm not too much of a fan of the plot but I enjoyed everything else...
Inspector97's avatar
It's a neat idea. But I've seen better stories for sure
FantasyRebirth96's avatar
Yeah I like the concept, just wish they would hang on to it a little longer you know? But your right I suppose.

Hey your not one of those who are like "Oh the Abridged version is better than the show" are you?
Inspector97's avatar
AS I've not seen it...can't say I am