charlievigil54's avatar
It's true we are over populating the earth and resources but I think peace is better
TheRubyTales's avatar
Because a place with no preciln oxigen food or any other kind of sourses is better, or you mean trow people into space?
charlievigil54's avatar
We could get rid of them in space or... I need to go think this through 
TheRubyTales's avatar
Yeah but remember energy can no be created or destroyed, it can only transform, so if we trow people or corpes into space their energy canot transform into another matter
charlievigil54's avatar
but I'm still gonna protest for peace
TheRubyTales's avatar
And overpopulating
charlievigil54's avatar
Look i don't know what the fuck say or do about overpopulation but what I can do is just hope 
TheRubyTales's avatar
Not gave birth to another kid and addopt one?, with that you help a lot
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