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Taliesaurus's avatar
fair enough I just want people to respect other options

and people need to look at the context before blindly throwing hate at it.

look at this and you'll understand- Another paleo rant meme! by JPLover764
Boverisuchus's avatar
I understand all of the excuses and in-universe context for the consistency of JP/JW dinos, I have used them myself, I just think that there's nothing wrong with pointing out how inaccurate this is. The real reason for hating these portrayals is that the popcorn-eating typical layperson moviegoer doesn't know any better, and will gladly accept that these are realistic. Media has a responsibility, or it should, to not misrepresent things and perpetuate untruths, that's what I think.
Taliesaurus's avatar
1-well I can think of one good excuse for JW, the t-rex is the exact SAME t-rex from the original park
so you can't just change them (especially not so suddenly).

2- it's a movie that is telling a story, not a documentary
(if you want a dino-movie to be like a documentary, make raptor-red into a movie)

besides, while your argument works with time-travel films (like "Primeval"), or films that actually take place IN PREHISTORY (like disney's "dinosaur")
it simply doesn't work for JP, they have a good reason to be that way, a reason that was stated in the novels.

if we were to clone dinosaurs (ignore how we'd do so) we wouldn't be able to get a "pure" dinosaur but instead, a "neo-dinosaur" that looks like how we engineer it.
because the truth is, WE DON'T KNOW 100% WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE!
(that and you have to allow some creativity)

so whatever you say, the JP dinosaur are like that because it is realistic in that context!

3- if you want, you could ask for movies (or documentaries) to have a disclaimer.
Boverisuchus's avatar
I know that it's a movie, my MAIN PROBLEM is that not everyone realizes this. That is my main reason to dislike how inaccurate it is. Also in 1993, featherless raptors were perfectly reasonable and potentially accurate, but now over 20 years later, it makes no sense. The original JP was mostly accurate, now it's just a mess and they have lost their standards some 20 years later.

Why you are giving me all the context stuff, I have no idea, I already know. But it doesnt change the fact that it muddies people's view of science, in the same way that some moviegoing idiots probably think time-machines are not all that far fetched (when really they are almost impossible).

Again, you are going on about context when I already know this. The fact that a movie has a reason for being that way does not stop the fact that it misinforms people.
Taliesaurus's avatar
1- two things


1.2- they put lots of reason (in the movie and in the making that explains it)

2- my point is that most people's claims are not JP/JW's fault but more to do with people ignoring the context and making claims that make no sense.

JP gives all the information that these dinosaurs are genetically modified but people are just stupid, they DON'T PAY ATTENTION!