ChrysaorIV's avatar
well maybe deep down, but I like it best when they're in denial, trying to justify it to themselves and succeeding with relative ease. It's love, right? And love is love. Love has no qualifications, no superstitions, no limitations. I like how they deconstruct that concept. How they remind us that there's more to love than sexual attraction and an eagerness to please.
hawksbluevibes's avatar
males do that too, its just seen as "creepy" instead of "cute," which is a dumb social stigma in the first place.
ChrysaorIV's avatar
sure sure but it still exists. Like politics, politics are stupid, but they still exist. And either you accept that and include it in your story or you ignore it and kindof lose the (fabricated but existential) sense of realism.
ChrysaorIV's avatar
maybe I'm biased since I'm a dude but the child-like personality is the only thing that really makes it anything other than horrifying and while I dont mind horror elements I also like a tragic villain better than I do a horrific one