ShadowDragon6114's avatar
If you think that's sad, you should know that he gets blown up a few minutes later. He doesn't die or anything. He manages to break out of the chair and find a safe-ish place to take cover. So the damage is minimal.
rosewitchcat's avatar
but.. hit mikey...
ShadowDragon6114's avatar
Trust me, that's one of the few bad things we've done to him. The only other one that I can remember we did was introduce John Kramer into the role play and made him force the turtles into saw traps. Mikey was forced into one where he had to cut off his arm to unlock a door. He was then given a robotic arm. Like the episode from 2003, "Same As It Never Was". Mikey was missing an arm in that episode. Except in the role play, he gets a replacement.