stevemacqwark's avatar
You tell to stop lying while you lie right to my face.

Yes, I think of lot of these disgusting channels dedicated hate speech, harassment, drama and so on are just as harmful but the Face of YouTube (for fuck sake) making holocaust jokes, shouting the n-word in a livestream in front of kids watching and accidentally putting on an entire KKK uniform (How can you even?), all in the age of Donald Trump is what especially makes this all the more gross.

Imagine a Jewish or Muslim kid being bullied for his heritage, especially from violent Christians, GamerGaters and Nazis, coming home to hear Trump said some violent racist rhetorics and then trying to something to feel something good like watching PewDiePie playing video games and joking around, and PewDiePie says the exact same things Trump and other bullies love to say. I'm sorry if explaining the definition of perpetual misery is killing your buzz and stopping you from laugh at dank memes.

PewDiePie is a liability and everytime he, Tmartn and the Paul brothers open their fucking mouths, other YouTubers lose their ad revenue as a result because companies, that are YouTube, don't want their brands associated with something abhorrent and think all YouTubers are like PewDiePie.
Mr-Meloetta's avatar
Excuse me for saying this, but don't put Christians and Gamergaters in the same field as Nazis. Also, the first ad-pocalypse was because of Logan Paul, not PewDiePie. I don't watch Pewd, but Logan is the one who started the whole thing by filming that dead body in a vlog.
stevemacqwark's avatar
Both of them (Logan and "Pewd") are fucking shit and neither should still be allowed to be on YouTube for their toxic nature.

Christians and GamerGaters support Donald Trump for the same reason: Maintaining empowerment of bitter irrelevant white men who have fucking up everyone who isn't them for centuries, making sure women, LGBT, Africans, Latino, etc. have no input on making, criticizing or writing about video games, comic books, movies, literature and politics. Of course, video games are less relevant in Donnie's eyes compared Christianity and the NRA.
Mr-Meloetta's avatar
First of all: while, yeah, Logan sucks, Pewd shouldn't get booted of the site just because he said a mean word. Yes, he should have self control, most incidents are blown out of proportion by the media. Especially gaming journalism. Also, do you really think he should be banned from YouTube just because he's "tOXiC!?1?" That's basically a pretty dumb reason, considering people like DaddyOFive abused his kids for pranks, and one YouTuber murdered a fucking cat. Yet, the former took years get taken down, and the later still has a fully monitized channel.

Also, about what you said about Gamergaters and Christians: first of all, not all of them support Trump. I'm Christian myself, yet I hate the guy for basically just being a whiny brat about a fucking wall.

Let me get to your main point: "Christians and GamerGaters support the empowerment of white men and the oppression of women and minorities." Are... are you serious? I've heard alot of SJW bullshit, but this still suprises me. You are NOT automatically "oppressing" ANYONE just by being a Christian or a GamerGater. Yes, I'm aware GamerGate was used by trolls for the occasional sexist joke. Yes, I'm aware the Westboro Baptist Church exists. But just because they exist does NOT mean they're all like that. Some Christians support gay rights, including me, and on the topic of GamerGate, the entire thing was about gamers defending themselves from lies saying all gamers were sexist. It was just warped to look like how you think it is by gaming journalists who cater more to their own egos than anything.

It's pretty dang ironic when you want people to stop stereotyping minorities, but then stereotype people to make it look like they a non-existent patriarchy.
stevemacqwark's avatar
There's saying mean words and then there's saying things children think are okay to say because "Pewds" said it. Then promoting notorious bigots like R;R and Ben Shapiro. Calling this shit "heated gamer moments" only justifies traditional into thinking video games make people violent, especially with the rape threats and death threats. Oh no but tell explain to me how journalists should be allowed to state the obvious bullshit while legitimately harmful sites like 4chan, The Daily Stormer and Breitbart are honest, side with gamers and are totally ethical in every way, shape and form.

I hope one day there will be a new type of video website for smaller YouTubers to migrate too like PewDiePie, Logan Paul and DaddyOFive continue to be YouTube's favourite little pets.

It's people like you that have disillusioned with debating because a debate these days is a goobergater shouting and yelling get everyone on their side while the opposition has to waste time with research that's immediately dismissed.
Beast-of-the-Forest's avatar
I would hope that anyone with an intact brain can recognize a joke and find the humor in it. In fact, the jokes that make me laugh the most are the ones that hit home.

When did he put on a KKK uniform? He did a satirical video showing what the morally outraged media thinks of him, in which he donned a WW2 British Officer's uniform and watched a Hitler speech. I swear, most people complaining about this stuff have never watched any of the videos and don't understand any of the context.
stevemacqwark's avatar
In age of Trump, with literal Nazis marching freely in the street chanting "Blood and Soil" and immigrant families being torn apart, PewDiePie's jokes aren't what people want to hear right now. It's like when Gilbert Gottfried tried to make a 9/11 joke straight after 9/11 happened. Not cool.
Beast-of-the-Forest's avatar
"PewDiePie's jokes aren't what people want to hear right now." except people do, his fans thought it was hilarious, no one had a problem with it until the WSJ did it's slanderous reporting on it. I hear you talk a lot about the far right here, but no mention of the far left. In the face of the tyrannical far left that wants to censor speech at every turn, we cannot allow humor to be stifled. Humor is always the first thing to go in a tyrannical system. Let's put our foot down here before it gets any worse.
stevemacqwark's avatar
Only the privileged whites who never had to face persecution for who they are want to hear his humour. Yes, they are privileged, which in itself is not bad but that doesn't mean they should take it for granted and mock those less fortunate than them. PewDiePie is obliviously encouraging children to go and attack the marginalised.

"PewDiePie says death to the Jews and said the n-word. I'm gonna go out and say those words to kids who are those things." That is how impressionable kids are gonna react. I still remember putting on offensive because Apu from the Simpsons. I don't do that now because it's disgusting and dehumanizes those with brown skin as well as ignorant because the likes of the Turkish aren't the same as Indians. Things I used to find funny are not only not funny anymore but I feel ashamed that I used to be a piece of shit. I gave up my bad sense of humour because I want to be a human in life. You, on other hand, would defend your right to go and be as big of a jackass as you want, which isn't gonna help you succeed in life. Just ask the Nazis who lost their jobs when their bosses found they were marching in Charlottesville last year.

tyrannical far left that wants to censor speech at every turn Fuck off! What about free speech for black children like Tamir Rice being shot dead? Didn't he deserve a right to explain he was holding a toy gun? How about Syrian refugees escaping their home country as Assad, ISIS, Putin and Trump destroy Syria with poisonous gas and missiles? What about their rights? What about speech for immigrant families being torn apart by ICE? How about gay people? Can they come out of the closet without being beaten, tortured and ostracized?

Your mild inconvenience of not hearing your favourite screaming jackass shouting tasteless garbage is minuscule compared to those out there suffering like say... Puerto Rico with the people still without power. Did you know Puerto Rico is part of America? Puerto Ricans would be forced to fight for America but they're given no right to vote.
nekomell's avatar
Oh my... How stupid can you be...
Ecclytennysmithylove's avatar
You are given two choices.

A. Grow the fuck up.


B. Leave DeviantArt and put yourself out of your misery.
BrunoSupremo's avatar
>which had advertisers pull out of YouTube
Nah, as already explained, it was the bad youtube algorithm that keeps putting ads of big brands like cocacola in terrorists videos that caused this. So this argument is not valid against him. He was used as scapegoat for this.

>more sensible YouTubers pay the price
Nah. If they follow the rules, they have nothing to worry, I would say that they can earn even more being smart because there will be more ads being removed from rule breakers that can be transferred to them. Besides, he is the one that gets demonetized everytime for nothing because trolls keep flagging him even when the video is safe for all ages.

>bullied kids doesn't have a good time in youtube
If anything, with all this happening, youtube got way stricter. It is way better place for kids now, without all the elza/spiderman porns and such targeted at kids, that actually were monetized.

I guess that the main argument was kids are not safe in a platform where his is present.
His channel does not target kids anyway. He even already showed his statistics where the majority of his audience is over 18.
Not like other youtuber who actively targets kids.
stevemacqwark's avatar
Yeah, fuck algorithms and spam-bot channels. Videos that are aimed towards kids with family friendly words and recognizable cartoon characters with no sense of coherence or reason, followed by something disturbing. I don't know what kind of person thinks spiderman with a pregnant elsa is a good idea unless it were done somewhere like Eastern Europe, places where pop culture osmosis is nonexistent.

Of course it's not just spam-bots. Terrorists (both foreign and domestic, including the NRA), drama-mongers like Keemstar, the Paul brothers and PewDiePie screaming like they're mental patients. Keemstar, Roosh V and Sargon of Akkad still allowed to be horrible shitheads while YouTube restricts LGBT videos as innapropiate for kids, someone talking about how deal with coming out the closet is hardcore gay porn. Perhaps PewDiePie alone isn't to blame. YouTube, the company itself, is both autocratic and laissez-faire in all the wrong places. YouTubers are already losing their money and YouTube's excluding those under 5000 subscribers from making money. If anything, the ones on Patreon are very lucky because YouTube won't tell them that their livelihoods are being radically changed, usually more ill than good.

To quote Jim Sterling: "YouTube... has a YouTube problem."
bluebaby4's avatar
you think the NRA are terrorist...Somebody toucha my spaghet okay mate whatever you say
stevemacqwark's avatar
The NRA made an advert with a woman targeting politicians, celebrities and other influential figures using their fame and power to warn people of Trump and white supremacy by saying "We're coming for you.". If you think this hate-fueled terrorist propaganda piece, encouraging gun-nuts to go out and shoot people, doesn't make the NRA look like terrorists, then you must be living in Dodoland.

Already, we're seeing BLM figures being murdered for taking down flags that represent advocacy for slavery and genocide. The NRA are terrorists and Trump's party to defending rapists and pedophiles.

PewDiePie himself is a liability and deserves to have his channel deleted if he can't control himself.