montrain101's avatar
I wish adjusting they bring back to a season five  with or without the original cast  but the live action movie is an opportunity for younger actors  perhaps you'll be on the big screen  the season five Sound like it still sound like a good idea have to bring that back too
montrain101's avatar
If there were going for a fifth season this year I can understand them too christy and will  because they're both desperate to get a gig do because Marvel entertainment is canceling guardians of the galaxy and christy she's in a shit hole
 but like I said I don't really give a rats ass
My boss Eddie teaches us just get it job done
CommanderKorra's avatar
For the live action movie, I think a younger cast is fine as long as done right. But if they brought back the show, and didn't have at least have Christy Carlson Romano and Will Friedle. Then I probably wouldn't watch it, though it would be sad to me.