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Kwokheichan's avatar
See, that's the exact shit that I was warning you people about, that the local law enforcement agency had failed us and watch our children getting shoot up like Swiss cheese while they hide cowardly outside for reinforcement. They could have save those children's lives and even prevent more from getting shot at, but no, they fail to enter the mental gunman's record into the federal data base and they fail to even act when it matter the most, which is to prevent the gunman from claiming more lives. You people finally feel and understand why I'm so piss at the law enforcement agency, because they not only fail to do their job, but they fail to protect the lives that was part of their job. That's why I said you people need to stop defending their fuck ups because they need to learn to take responsibility when they knowingly fucked things up and let our children die.
Curadh's avatar
There were failures on multiple levels.  Saying, "you people" is divisive as shit, and we're certainly not going to solve the problem that way.  In behavioral (or behavioural, should you be of British inclination) idea which can be summed up best "from here forward".  Basically, yeah, shit happened, now how do we move from here.  The first thing is to hold those who failed accountable.  Next step is develop policy to do better in the future.  All of which is presently out of most of our hands...

Now, the four deputies who stayed outside?  To me, it's tantamount to treason, really.