Gamer-Katie's avatar
And to think that Harumi was a big fan of the Ninja, only to turn out to be one of the greatest villains, if not the first decent villainess (not counting the Preeminent), in Ninjago.
ZombieOstrich's avatar
I wouldn't call her the greatest villain by any stretch. She's not the greatest of anything imo....except maybe the greatest self-conceited traitor :/

I am totally not a fan of how they make Harumi evil. I like that she is evil, but they really could have done it better. Her whole reason for being evil is because she somehow thinks her parents' death was their fault and that Garmadon was a hero. Oh please. How uninformed are the people in Ninjago??

She calls herself the greatest villain, which is so laughable considering she's really done nothing but trick the ninja and bring back Garmadon (which, while is a noteworthy feat, doesn't make her the greatest villain). Once Garmadon is back he will get rid of her (unless the writers are actually stupid enough to make Garmadon keep her around), so she never will be great.
Conniving, sure, but world's greatest villain? Pffff. No.
Harumi, you're delusional -_-

As for anyone who considers Harumi the greatest villain....well, it's a free country, so disagreeing is normal v(°-°)v
Gamer-Katie's avatar
Yeah, when I think of the greatest villain of Ninjago, I honestly think of Nadakhan. Because let’s face it, if it weren’t for Jay’s wish, he would’ve won.
Gamer-Katie's avatar
Because he was actually able to take on the Ninja one by one, manipulate them all, break Jay down, who knows what he did to Nya when Dilara was possessing her, and if it weren’t for Jay, Djinnjago would’ve been rebuilt and everyone down below would be at the mercy of Nadakhan, who would have infinite wishes by then.
ZombieOstrich's avatar
Plus he was the only villain that even DESERVED to take over Ninjago. He really had done nothing very evil before he was trapped in the teapot. Sure he was a pirate, but that's not villainous, just bad.
He became a villain when he brought his crew to his beautiful realm to live and found it in ruins and his people dead (why don't more people put emphasis on this? Nadakhan was going to leave Ninjago but it was THE NINJA that destroyed his realm, his people, and that turns him evil. I WOULD TURN EVIL IF SOMEONE DID THAT TO ME!) Nadakhan was the only villain that actually DESERVED to win. He was so nice to his crew, he viewed them as his friends!
But what do the Hagemans do?
Rather than leaving Nadakhan as a likeable, almost NOBLE villain, they destroy him by making him UNCHARACTERISTICALLY turn on his crew and betray them. They're his friends! Practically family! HE WOULDN'T DO THAT! -_-

Nadakhan loved his home world so much that he wanted to turn Ninjago into it. Because he missed it and it was the ninjas' fault that it was gone. He wanted to turn Nya into Delara because THERE WAS NOTHING HE WOULDN'T DO FOR THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE! I don't even think he would have been a bad ruler of Ninjago-turned-Djinnjago. Even though they weren't his own people, I don't think Nadakhan would be a dictator. He was a captain, he didn't force any of his crew to do anything. He was actually pretty darn fair and sensible, despite having just lost basically everything he ever loved.

(that was so long XD and sorry for all the CAPS, I can't do italics or bold, so that's the only way I can emphasize stuff X'D )
Gamer-Katie's avatar
Well damn. Makes you almost want to hope he villain wins.
And it’s okay about the caps thing, I do that from time to time.
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