DemonLordBlackRose's avatar
It's them glasses man. You're the only one that seems to get it.
GamerGuy126's avatar
Yep I get it.  The glasses are making her insane.  It even says in plain sight in Lilith's profile that her time under Octavio's control drove her insane, which is why she is what she is right now.  Those glasses are a mix of a cigarette and drugs.  Drugs can make you crazy, and cirgarettes can make you have withdrawl symptoms if you go off of it for a while.  That is basically what Lilith is experiencing.  She just needs someone to hold her back from using the glasses, then, she'll return to normal and redeem herself.  If she was heartless even without wearing the glasses for an extended period of time, then why didn't she attempt to kill Labrys without hesitation?  She didn't.  She put the sunglasses first, then "killed" her.
DemonLordBlackRose's avatar
I think most people don't even bother to read the profiles.
BrandonMGreen76's avatar
I read them. Doesn't excuse anything she's done.

Just saying.
GamerGuy126's avatar
Oh?  I've read all the profiles.  I like your profile picture the best.
SunRade's avatar
But I'm gonna take cynical point of view and say this: The Glasses became drug for her. She can't live without them. I am afraid she is beyond the salvation.
DemonLordBlackRose's avatar
Addicts have been able to come came from stuff like this before. But I won't say anything just yet.
SunRade's avatar
And yet, I don't wait the happy resolution.