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GamerGuy126's avatar
1.  Darkness and Light having a showdown.
2.  Lilith is in full yandere mode and not the good kind, looks like she just killed an inkling based on the purple ink smothered all over her body.
3.  Lumia in a test tube and seems to be...sad(maybe that's nothing).
4.  Kat seems to be an agent with...Rusty by her side.
5.  Lavanna and Lilith have a swordfight and both seem to be looking at something offscreen(I see you DJ Octavio, what are you doing on the floor?)
6.  Neo seems to be protecting Navi from an enemy threat(and look at that merciless look on Neo's face, wouldn't want to mess with her.)
7.  Darkness appears to be looking back on her previous self.

(Don't mind me, I'm just analyzing little details that I see)
BluegirlWoomy's avatar
I’m not sure if panel 6 is still possible since Neo and Navi’s hypnoshades are now destroyed.
GamerGuy126's avatar
You're right, it's not possible anymore, but think of it happening off-screen or something.
BluegirlWoomy's avatar
Ok so that scene actually happened, in the latest Civil War comic.
GamerGuy126's avatar
Yeah, guess so...