Polystralia36's avatar
they kicked out the Goths ... those bastards. But you're still alright I guess ^^
Toraach's avatar
Unlikely. Goths had their part in ethogenesis of Slavs. Origins of Slavs are kind mysterious as the lack of written sources and we mostly atribute certain archeological cultures to ethno-linguistic groups, and speculate on basis of linguistics. First written mentions of Slavs vere by Eastern Romans in 6th century. Slavic languages came to be as a results of mixing between proto-balto-slavic, sarmatian and gothic languages. As sarmatian (that's eastern iranian) and germanic (gothic) elements are very prominent in very cores of slavic languages. It is atributed that this process took place mostly in areas where archeologists found remmants of Kiev and Chernyakhov cultures, that's areas of northern Ukraine and southern Belarus. In this area remmants of Goths and Sarmatians who flew because the Huns mixed with local inhabitans so the Slavs came to be. Descendants of the Kiev Culture are Prague and other archeological cultures, which are clearly atributed to the Slavs, as Penkov culture or Prague culture. Of course it is one of many theories, but for me this sounds the most probable. 
Arminius1871's avatar
The Huns forced them to leave^^