Lee-Sherman's avatar
Never heard of Krang?!? :omg: You're not American, are you? :confused:

There was this cartoon called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was hugely popular from about 1989 to 1992, although it was around before and after that. Krang was the leader of the bad guys. He was an alien who looked like a pink brain with eyes, tentacles, and a mouth, and he went around in this mechanical walker with a glass bubble dome and backwards-beinding legs that made a sound like "digit digit" when he walked. Altogether he looked amazingly similar to your avatar. He had 2 other mechanical bodies (and a 3rd one in 1 episode), but only the one I described was made into a toy.
CookiemagiK's avatar

Well I used to watch TMNT like 10 years ago :p don't remember much... Only remember the turtles and the old rat dude