Comment History
RevengeofKirby9612's avatar
Instead of wasting like $ 10-15 on Steam to play some tasteless, repugnant weeaboo game, you could be doing something better with your life, pal.
KuraiUmi's avatar
Instead of wasting 3-5 minutes writing some tasteless, repugnant comment, you could be doing something better with your life, pal.
pokiipanda's avatar
dude what crawled up your ass and died
KuraiUmi's avatar
This comment made me laugh so hard I fell off the couch. Thank you for existing
pokiipanda's avatar
I only speak the truth 😉
RevengeofKirby9612's avatar
pokiipanda's avatar
ooh boy i smell a sad little troll
CloneSimone's avatar
Yeah, but this is more fun. And I'm still a kid so... XD And I spend time doing other stuff too XD
stormchaserf5's avatar
besides, perhaps some people actually enjoy these games? who's to say one's life was a waste if that person enjoyed their life?