BTIsaac's avatar
You're sick of artists giving their political views? Does this include what marvel and disney is doing right now? Or is that okay because you agree with them? These people are in fact getting plenty of attention. You want us to be nice to them? Geez. Why didn't anyone think of that? Oh wait. You want to know how many people blocked me on DA for something as trivial as saying something negative about 13 reasons why. I've been blocked by people i agreed with and left with a reply calling me all sorts of vile things because they misread a comment i made. I even come across people I've never met before and discover they have me blocked. Makes me glad I'm not on twitter, because I'd be automatically blocked by thousands of these idiots for following someone, before i even make a single post, courtesy of the infamous blockbots. You cannot be nice to these freaks in any way that doesn't involve praising everything they do, and even if you do that they will trash you for following someone they hate, or voting for someone they abhor. These people are sociopaths, and contrary to what they say, they do in fact have a lot of influence. And yes, they are getting plenty of attention. Except if nobody is around to call them out, more people would buy into their bullshit whenever they spread outright lies.
Touch-Not-This-Cat's avatar
DimitriWarchief123's avatar
oh of course assume i agree with others because i dont agree with you, im with nobody becouse your both morons, listen i know its hard being nice to assholes, unlike you i have a brother who does the same thing, except instead of blocking he constantly corrects me and questions, puts me down for saying a joke and even threaten to hurt me, even choked me once. Its most worse experience you cant forget, unlike this convention i shall forget in a hour or two. But thats not the point. what i was saying is this, try to be nice and they may listen, if it fails then give up, if they block you for no good reason,....why care about them? oh good your not on twitter, who cares, are you a carpenter, that be impressive , if you cant be nice, then why be mean? you think they"ll listen? or others? fighting with fire only leads to more fire. Look i understand these minor annoyances are big, but they wont ever go away, if people wont listen before what will now? you all talk to them like their wolves that ate your child both sides re seen as annoying, people are caring less and less, the only people listening are you guys, ones who already agree, look i lost hope id be a great artist....its time some people give up that huminty will suddenly grow some balls, i do apologize, i was once a anti sjw but i grow out of it.
BTIsaac's avatar
Beacuase the only way to "be nice" to these people is to do exactly what they tell you. And you have no idea how many rich and powerful people are willing to do that to improve their PR.
DimitriWarchief123's avatar
Well if that doesn’t work then give up, hiw is representing them like animals going to get others on your side when you act like assholes, im sorry but it gets annoying,  tothe common eye, both sides look annoying and whiney
BTIsaac's avatar
There's one difference. We don't have media giants and billion dollar companies pandering to us. Everyone who doesn't spit on us gets chased out of the industry. If they go indie because they don't want to be a part of the madness, they get sabotaged. But guess what. The few creators who like us still sell more copies of what few games and comics they have than the bigwigs who push them out en-masse, so maybe the common eye CAN tell some difference.
You're right, BTIsaac amd Kukuryoart. Seriously DimitriWarcher123, both SJW and anti-SJW are problems, but shutting them up is NOT the solution. You'll be a hypocrite by taking away their freedom of speech. Gamegate didn't still exist for the sake of being anti-SJW, they exist because SJW is still a problem to entertainment industry. Trust us, Gamegate wouldn't even be around to begin with if ignoring them was the solution. Doing nothing to any problem is really the worst thing you can possibly do. They are not going to just magically go away. Problems are only going to get worse like a virus. If a problem is still around, you get to solving it sooner or later. Just don't ignore it forever. If the problem is not your's to deal with, then stay out of their way or you'll become the problem yourself. Sick of this webcomic, THAN JUST DO SOMETHING ELSE ALREADY!!!
BTIsaac's avatar
This discussion has been settled over two months ago. There's no point bringing it up again.
As long as you learn your lesson. I'm calling out both SJWs and anti-SJWs or no will have fun PERIOD.
DimitriWarchief123's avatar
Maybe,that may be true, but their still no good or evil, just annoying and the brats. Im sorry but i understand its a problem, but constantly treating it as a meme wont get more people, the common eye may ser the difference.... but their not joining your cause, their just getting entertainment, dont assume eveyones on woth you, you make a good point i give you that but...... lets just end this alright, i wont care about this conversation in a week or too
BTIsaac's avatar
Unless they're store owners running out of business.
DimitriWarchief123's avatar
Alright fine shushsh, still both sides bring problems, 

one side is annoying loud and preachy but the other is ride, obnoxious, many of them make this shit into memes instead of representing it as an actually problem, and act douchey, heck its gotten so bad that if someone were to say anything slightly off what an aniti sjw would say, their called a sjw

I Understand, your a anti sjw so you see yourself as the good guys, we all do in our time