Araelixir's avatar
If you dislike people who post while admittedly provocative images are not really that sexual/pornographic in nature. Regarding the issue of this being Sexually immoral how would artists who draw nude characters in order to understand anatomy and doctors who look at naked bodies in a near constant basis be treated? How are people who do these things bad? They are neither hurting anyone in any case nor their own selves because some take these types of photos for a lot of various reasons such as self-confidence and work, etc....

And in regards to what was said in
 Matthew 5:28 are you honestly assuming that looking at this photo means that everyone is lusting for her body? So does that mean that artists who want to reference posing and learning anatomy are looking at this image and lusting over it? I UNDERSTAND that there are people that do look at the photo lustfully but why should the model be shamed for it?

If you think that this is wrong then surely Killing must feel good to God, too. He does it all the time, and are we not created in God's image?