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tuckerverse's avatar
Can I just post here or does it need to be a post elsewhere?

Long Note
Alias: Juliana D'Aubigny
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 138 lbs
Occupation: Henchwoman
Affiliation: Fantasia (Independent)
Personality: Greedy, Maniacal, Spontaneous

Strength - Average
Speed - Above Average
Durability - Average
Intelligence - Above Average
Willpower - Above Average
Fighting Skill - Average
Energy Projection - Below Average
Experience - Average

Dossier Info
Juliana grew up in a French orphanage, never knowing her true family. At some point she escaped from the orphanage after causing trouble, presumed dead in a fire. Taking the name of Juliana D'Aubigny, she became obsessed with the theater and music. The music she herself generated through operatic song, however, turned out to have a hidden effect: she could transfix people with it. Before long Juliana turned to crime, happy to immobilize people and steal their possessions. Rumors would initially suggest she was incredibly fast, but the truth was that her voice was her real weapon. A chance encounter with Fantasia made Juliana realize the older woman was the perfect mentor, leading her to become her trusted student. The name, "Long Note," Juliana picked to symbolize how long her music could make moments last.

Powers and Abilities
Mind Control
- Latent psychic ability induces a state of suspended animation through song

Red hair, fair skin, blue eyes, black opera gloves, black heels, black and white fine dress suited for opera but with side slits for possible combat requirement, black opera mask on a golden stick shaped like a clef, mask is Phantom-like, gold musical earrings shaped like quarter-rests, necklace with tip shaped like thirty-second rest.