ALOIS-ON-ACID's avatar
i love her so much <3

but please DO NOT SHADE the refs!!! its easier for others to just have flat colors and then you can simply pick the color of each marking,but i really do love this character
jewelforests's avatar
she has the colour code down the bottom.. under the name of the character...
ALOIS-ON-ACID's avatar
yea ikr but it doesnt look good to shade the ref
honeyntoast's avatar
 Usually people are confused why the colors may be off on their commision,gift etc when they shade their art. References are just after all to show the characters colors and appearence.
chinjireta's avatar
....b...but there are two color guides....why does it matter...
if people look for more than two seconds they can see the two color guides so it really shouldnt be an issue
honeyntoast's avatar
Hm yea i agree,but i was focusing more on the clothing part. But do whatever floats your boat! this ref was really nicely done otherwise
chinjireta's avatar
thats fair! but ppl can draw her in any clothes really
honeyntoast's avatar
oh,i guess it's alright then!
ALOIS-ON-ACID's avatar
yeah exactly
i will NEVER understand why people shade their references ;____;
yumi-skull's avatar
some people just get too into it when they draw their ref, or maybe they just use drawings they done before to make it.
ALOIS-ON-ACID's avatar
oh I know the feel haha!
chinjireta's avatar
there are two color guides, so i dont rly see a problem w/ it
ALOIS-ON-ACID's avatar
oh okay,but dont be confused when people will pick the wrong color of your character,just sayin'