EgilSterkr's avatar
Ooh cant wait to read those.. i recall my interest dropped when the time went forth and Wulfgar and Cattie were there any longer :) ( Wulfgar was my "hero" :D)but i still have to read those( like the wheel of time and other series i read and paused. :) )I found this Viking era book serie Bernard Cornwell-Saxon Stories and i was sold..
MicheleHansen's avatar
My hubby lost interest in Drizzt at about that same period in the saga. I too love Wulfgar. Who doesn't love the tales of the heroes of Icewindale? My personal fave is Breunor Battlehammer. His story continues long after Wulfgar, and Cattie disappear from the series.

Does this mean you read through the Orc, Pirate, and Ghost King trilogy? If not, I will comment no further concerning the series. I don't want to ruin any surprises, and yes, sorrows for you.

Drizzt, because he is an elf, cannot help but outlive his friends from his past. The current saga is riveting to say the least. And, very creepy, and very dark...

I loved Salvatore's spin-off series, The Sell-Swords. We get to know a lot of very interesting characters in those novels.
EgilSterkr's avatar
I remember i read the Orc king.. But maybe the other 2 books too..Orc king i remember because i did one drawing about the Drizzt and Grguch ( can be found from the gallery).. But those 2 others..
MicheleHansen's avatar
The Orc King was my favorite of the three.

If you actually read the other two, I am certain you would remember them. (I'm not tellin' why.) I recommend you finish that trilogy.