Comment on YUHI II by khaoskai

nikyri's avatar
Don't you think the neck is too long? :D
nackmu's avatar
the longer the neck, he more space for the hair to float around ^^
spiritedhatred's avatar
I'm pretty sure that was a stylistic choice. Like, have you seen the necks in Yuri on Ice?
nikyri's avatar
No? What is it? XD But still, it looks like a mistake more than a style.
RayPai's avatar
Not trying to sound mean or butt in, but I think it's inappropriate to point it out like that. I know you are probably doing it with no bad intentions, however comments like these can be hurtful to artists.
nikyri's avatar
I am really not doing it with bad intentions. I just thought it was a mistake, that's all. I know some people can't handle critique... But I was asking, cuz it looks like the person draws really well so it kinda confuse me why would they draw the neck so long.
RayPai's avatar
I can't speak for all artists, but I believe a lot of them prefer not to get critique unless they ask.
nikyri's avatar
Still, it was more of a question than critique. And it feels little stupid to make such a big deal about this to be honest... XD