Victorian111's avatar
Papyrus, Such A Cinnamon Roll. *Glares At All The People That Did The Genocide Route And KILLED HIM.*

Sans Rage Intensifies Chat Emoticon 
Redatomisk's avatar
I killed toriel in my first run and felt so bad i can't get off pacifist anymore lol
WolfyTacoCat's avatar
Well blame my friend they made me do genocide 
SisTheSinister's avatar
I did genocide but I couldn't defeat Sans so I just reseted and killed everyone but Papyrus and he became king oh well.
Marshy-Cat's avatar
I can't do genocide. I'm too weak. I've grown way too attached to these characters, and it's just too easy to understand how they'd feel.
PacificoSans's avatar
I killed a froggit one run, but ended up reloading because of the guilt.  Oh, and did you ever find the fourth frog?
Marshy-Cat's avatar
Undertale brings out either your best or your worst. And I did actually!