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EmilyStepp's avatar
I'm familiar with that cryptid, but diplodocid sauropods are thought to have died out in the early Cretaceous.  If it were actually a sauropod, I think it would have to be some kind of titanosaur.  
DonaldMoore909's avatar
That is why people like me that believe that Bigfoot exits believe that a few dino's still roam the earth in very secluded places in small family units,  just like the coelacanth is still alive. To me the world has change a lot during prehistoric times and made drastic changes, so did the few dino's left. The main thing is that they now are way smaller so they would not need as much food as before. Mokele-mbembe by the drawings is the size of a elephant but has a long neck and tail with a small head. While all the experts are looking for this huge creature he is moving around appearing as elephants. Well that's what i believe, call me crazy???
EmilyStepp's avatar
There's tons of extant dinosaur diversity, they're just avian lol.  
DonaldMoore909's avatar
If you gonna keep throwing facts into our conversation you're going to ruin it, HA-HA!!!
EmilyStepp's avatar
I'm not negating your view lol, just saying there's tons of  definitely real dinosaurs flying around and that gives me great comfort.  I'd love for there to be some late surviving non avian dinos though haha.  
DonaldMoore909's avatar
Since they did find some they thought were extinct I still hold out hope that there are others!!!
EmilyStepp's avatar
The fossil record is a fickle mistress and Lazarus taxa do get discovered from time to time after all.  
DonaldMoore909's avatar
Things will keep changing because most dino's they labeled already have very incomplete bone structures so they guess about them with the little they have. The Spino is one!!!