NovRoz's avatar
Thx :) it was taken a year ago
lieusum's avatar
Your turtles look so active. Whenever i take mine out of their tank, they just hide in their shells. ><
NovRoz's avatar
huahaha...maybe turtles depend on their owner...I mean I'm a very active person and she is too.

I love camera and she does too.
lieusum's avatar
lol my turtles and I are shy and lazy.
NovRoz's avatar

I have 2 turtles...kame is so active but kroten is so shy, he will keep his head inside the shell everytime I wanna touch I have to try to make him become like Kame
lieusum's avatar
lol, 3 of mine are really shy, except for Sheldon. Hes really curious, and likes to look at things really closely by touching it with his nose and stares until his eyes are almost crossed.
NovRoz's avatar
well seems like sheldon is alike with kame. everytime I am working, checking my student's work, she would follow my pen....I'm using the pen to mark what i ve read...she was so curious.

and I don't know why, she always does this to chopper [link]