Nico-The-Serperior's avatar
Well, this stamp doesn't apply to art thieves who think: "Maybe this will keep the people who follow the rules off my back.
CureLovelyWarrior's avatar
copyright nazis should hit the back button and shut up
.... or be shot.
Nico-The-Serperior's avatar
If somebody's infringing copyright, They can't just let them get away with it.
CureLovelyWarrior's avatar
you sound like a typical dope who minds other people's business. Unless their own art was actually stolen, they should stay out of strangers' affairs. The truth is, despite me having a LOT of people complain at me for "stealing" art, NONE of the people who's art I actually used EVER complained. One of them even came to me and said they were happy I used it. People like you, as well as most copyright Nazis, are just budinskies who think they are the police of the internet, who think they are "helping" people. Well they aren't, and they're not.
Tiger-Fuather's avatar
Well, only when art is stolen do they help.
CureLovelyWarrior's avatar
I said only if THEIR OWN art was stolen. otherwise they are just buttinskies who don't mind their own business. 
Tiger-Fuather's avatar
What if they are a friend of the victim?
Or if it's given a horrible title most would notice?
CureLovelyWarrior's avatar
I guess that's different then. but I am only against "theft" if its done ill intentionedly. If someone uses art without permission but for a positive purpose then they shouldn't be stopped.
Nico-The-Serperior's avatar