hakubaikou's avatar
Me too. I really could use a vacation. In fact, I had to cancel my trip this weekend in order to do work (extra stuff that was given to me last minute!) and I was really pissed about that. Was supposed to go to a film festival that was playing one of the films I'd shot. Was gonna road trip it with two other friends. But then I had to tell them to go without me. Grrrr!

Glad you like the pic. :)
cmalidore's avatar
Aw I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get to make up for that soon :). I think we often forget to grab life a little bit and enjoy something for once..... we work ourselves too hard a lot of the time. I know I do at least, I can't speak for ya hehe.

I have horrible deadlines but finally got out a bit last night.... it was sorely needed.

Keep rockin these speed pieces! :nod: