Kryptid's avatar
Wonder what it was canceled for in the first place...
Officially it was cancelled because of development costs, and the fact that it was believed that new ICBMs would make supersonic interceptors obsolete.

That's the official story but the existence of supersonic interceptors like the F-15 seems to be somewhat contradictory, given the arrangement that Canada made with the United States after the Arrow's cancellation, preventing Canada from developing it's own weapons without U.S. approval and oversight.

It's most likely that Diefenbaker was under pressure from the Americans to cancel the Arrow and agree to a one-sided defense agreement heavily in the favor of the U.S. Basically the U.S. was top dog in North America and they saw the Arrow as a threat to their military dominance.

Basically a Conservative PM caving into pressure from the Americans is nothing new, Benett did it during the depression, Diefenbaker did it with the Arrow and the American missile defence plan, Mulroney did it with NAFTA, and now we're just hoping Harper is going to grow some balls and not let the U.S. fuck Canada over again, he can start by not allowing the construction of a pipeline from, the oilsands in Alberta to refineries in Texas taking all of the refining jobs and all of the tax revenue out of Canada.
Kryptid's avatar
Well, that's stupid. The US shouldn't be poking it's nose in everyone else's business.
Also you should know I like Americans, I've got nothing against you guys, I just don't like the assholes running your country, really I don't like the assholes running my country either.