arwenita's avatar
not so many but soon i'll start producing them outside because i got an offer to do so :D that's why i keep adding designs :D
pyrohmstr's avatar
I wonder how much stuff is really sold through DA.....
arwenita's avatar
well the big sellers are really selling believe.
Myself I have bought several things here, imagine those that actually have some US money :giggle:
pyrohmstr's avatar
I've never bought any artist-made stuff...and I have the money...I just don't see a use for it :]
arwenita's avatar
oh i have bought things as presents for friends and stuff from artists i really like :) but of course if you dont like hanging stuff on the wall there's no point :giggle:
pyrohmstr's avatar
I hang my own stuff on the walls :3 Cause I'm a cheap ass
arwenita's avatar
hah its ok
i know several people that buy and that sells here in deviantart :)