Comment on Habenero Slug by ursulav

HangingGarden66's avatar
Very impressive. I've never thought about how much slugs and peppers look alike! It is uncanny! I wonder how many "slugs" I've gone out and poured salt on, unaware of the fact that it was just a pepper, and how many "peppers" I have eaten,....well nevermind.
Anyway... again, awesome job with the details, especially on the rocks. I love the way you do rocks, they are so mildly realistic. My favorite part about this one is the awesome colors and they way you combined them to make it look twisted and warped like a regular pepper. Especially the green that is mixed in among all the yellow. That is very hard to do. The slime trail behind the slug looks really cool. Really looks like slime, especially near the bottom. This whole piece looks great. I love it.
Sorry I haven't been commenting for a while, I've been pretty busy, and I've always been sort of afraid you won't even notice, judging by how many comments you get every day, but I've been watching, and laughing out loud at all of your paintings! This is almost exactly what I go for in my paintings! (not EXACTLY, like combining fruit and animals, but the humor is my biggest goal)
I'll look forward to seeing more from you, as always. Good luck! :thumbsup: