Comment on funky funky by lotusii

nezumousii's avatar
i agree, you HAVE to do more of this... if this is you first time... than this is REALLY your kinda medium...incredible... it's the best thing that i've ever seen you do. i am honestly in awe. *hug* wait'll you see what sis has in store for animefest... i just know that you'll love it. she a machine i tells ya! another side note: i got my loans last week and am leaving for georgia prob'ly sept. 8 or possibly sooner. you WILL see me before then!!!! i love yous! *SQUEEZE* this really is breathtaking by the way...
lotusii's avatar
Aww... thank you so much, it's encouraging to hear since this is what I'm gonna try to make a living on T_T
I can't wait to see you, and Laura, and the cool stuff she's made. I know she's a sewing machine whiz... I just wish I had my ribbon back... I did pay $60 for it *gripmoancomplain* I shouldn't be griping at you I need to gripe at Laura though. Oh well. I WILL however gripe at you for not drawing more... or at least not putting it up here so I can see it ^_~ You're going to Art college, baby, practice makes perfect =3

You know I lurv yew.