petrova's avatar
Mostly because most of my poetry is about personal and usually depressing stuff, not people really want to read about ;)
Oussika's avatar
so what? then people just skip what they don't like :p if people start having 39968 accounts, we probably know about 3 and have to check each one every now and then... I thing it's a waste of time for you to go to each account and for those who like several of yours too. Personally, I don't get it :p but do as you please :) I know a lot of people skip over half the stuff I submit, it's fine. You can't like everything someone does :)
petrova's avatar
It's all true what you say that is why I prefer to upload everything on this main account because I know that my other account I have is easily forgotten from time to time. And yeah, it's like eating mixed candy, you pick what you like :aww:

In a way though it's quite nerve wrecking to upload my poetry because it's so much more personal than my photos and even my drawings (which is never uploaded :giggle:).
Oussika's avatar
:/ well, I uploaded litterature and I know nearly no one read it :p but that's life

just upload what you like. so what if people don't like it all? I know wome of my stuff only gets criticism... but I like it as it is :p
petrova's avatar
I usually don't read much lit here because I rarely have time, I would like to but I really only read lit during the summers :lmao:

Well, it's not about liking it, it's more like opening up my heart and let people see it too closely I think.
Oussika's avatar
... the thing about these accounts... is that most people don't know a lot about us anyway :p
petrova's avatar
Oussika's avatar
I'd say just post what you like ^^
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