wario7793's avatar
I'm in at least 40 myself. I even started my own group :)
wario7793's avatar
at least, I counted 40 and stopped.
BlueIvyViolet's avatar
you must get alot of messages!! since i joined a few groups i get alot!!
wario7793's avatar
um, yes and no. I do have some of these groups set so I don't get new deviations to them. A few have gone dormant. I'd say I get an average of 100 per hour, which isn't too bad ;) during the day of course.. at night, drops to about 5 an hour.
BlueIvyViolet's avatar
if i go more than a couple of days i get over 1000 messages...keeps me busy!! lol
wario7793's avatar
yeah, isn't it fun? :D
BlueIvyViolet's avatar