SerahMajere's avatar
Totally agree. I think like you about the "nature beauty", but there are some cases that it's... not good, but yes aceptable. For example, in my case, I have a little problem with my skin since I had 2 years old, and sometime I woke up with wounds in all my body or puffiness, now I'm better but when I was kid there are very kids in my school who bullying me for that reason, and with the make-up I could hide that little things and have quiet day in my school.(That's because I commented here with "very very rare")
and very rare days (like christmas and MAYBE in my birthday) I made-up too, and when I cleaned it is like "wtf???? why my eyes are black???!!" xDDDD
And totally agree too with make-up artist^^
Krowul's avatar
Ah, yeah that's understandable x,3.