Reyniki's avatar
Ah, that's very true! I heard about this with parrots, especially about how parrots can outlive owners. I've even seen some poor parrots get mistreated badly or just wasn't given enough attention to the point they started plucking their own feathers from the stress. Something like that ;v;

Parrots are definitely for someone who has a lot of time and skill XP
I really want to get a pet some day, I'm not exactly sure what to start with :'D
Lizards look like pretty cool pets! But my mom's too terrified with anything reptile so that's not an option;3;
Bienoo's avatar
If you've never owned a pet before I always love to recommend mice or rats! :) They won't smell a lot if you clean them often and they are super fun to interact with. And because they are supposed to live in groups they can keep each other busy most of the time and they won't necessarily need a human to interact with every day!
Reyniki's avatar
Oooo that's a pretty unique suggestion 8D Most people tend to recommend fish to me as first pets but you can't really do much with fish lol
Unfortunately, my mom isn't fond of rats or mice either so maybe when I move out I can get one or two to start off XD